Friday, August 06, 2010

Hey hey people.

I just wanna express my gratitude to everyone who contributed for NDC today xD

Keith&Genie at the CD section.

JieXiang at the mics and amps system.

Audrina&JianYi at the audience side to help monitoring the sound quality.

Hazel, Eugene Lim, Shi Min, Sean for helping out to carry stuff down or back up to control.

And last but not least, our Da Lao Ren, Samuel and Zhi Ping for helping us during full dress rehearsal and the actual event. If it not were for you two I might have not learnt so much.

Really thanks a lot for sacrificing your time to come down and help. Overall I think we responded swiftly to all the problems and sorry if I'm not a very experienced I/C >.<

Anyway, one of the DAS is under repair by Mr. Ang. Something went wrong with it and I've got feedback (not THAT "feedback") by some teachers and students that the sound quality today was not at its best. So yea, I think we need to work on that more.

So I think that's about it. Enjoy your long weekend peeps. xD

pa oiii! (: 5:25 PM;
posted by Kevin Tandiono (:


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