Wednesday, May 28, 2008



after the long awaited wait, finally today we have collected the jackets from the printing place. with a total of 45 jackets, its really heavy! haha, but thats not important.

Collection will preferably be on 2, 3 and 4th JUNE, DURING JUNE CAMP. at our college NJC we are open 24/7 for collection during these 3 days. so please do come and collect your jacket during that period of time, and also do come visit our camp! (:

IF you are not able to collect it during these 3 days, you can still collect it anytime, starting from tomorrow at NJC also. BUT, you need to contact me (dhika) @ 96656617 or Mel @ 96654993 to make the appointment first. we need someone to open the control and take the jacket for you.

OKAY? best is come during camp (: hope you like the jacket!

pa oiii! (: 8:11 PM;
posted by dhika (:

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