Wednesday, October 14, 2009


well some of us were thinking the other day..
that we should have a get together!
something along the lines of gg to school on monday (deepavali) to play games!
e.g. bball?frisbee? badminton? cards? whatever lah..
how abt it ppl? 8am in school on a public holiday!haha.
if there arelazy pigs who want to sleep in, we can meet up for lunch?
well. we can resume games after lunch.. or we can go out play pool/movie/or anything la..

so how!!?
j2s are free to come if u want! take a break from mugging! ;)
er seniors too if u are free. lol

but anw!
the games are suppose to be the highlight. exercise then eat!! :)
hahaha come okay!

ppl who wanna come.. well i guess u can just come on tt day..
but sms me or any other excos so that we know who to expect k?

ehh come have fun.. dont rot at home!

pa oiii! (: 10:21 PM;
posted by Grace (:

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