Friday, February 15, 2008

ah so in the end im uploading the photos :p THESE PHOTOS ARE THE COURTESY OF OUR PHOTOGRAPHER, YANLING (: say thanks to her (:

siyuan's group figuring out the photos.
cass and mel
this one very very hard to find leh :p
siyuan again :p
PA board (:
Samuel, levon and juniors (:
Samuel's group
levon and zi quan
the guessing game
zp, me, and sy
sh, me, and jen
lemme try to recall, chinmeng, dao xuan, levon, ting yun, arh cant rmb xP
me again :p
this is the spider game (:
again, and im camping behind :p
samuel, zi quan, me, levon, mel, shijin, cant see alr :p
me and zp!
the winner group :p

hahaha, and this is the video (:

ahh enjoy (:

pa oiii! (: 4:58 PM;
posted by dhika (:

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