Sunday, August 20, 2006

This is an email sent by Ke Xin. Do read through and tag to give suggestions. I'll bring this issue up during GM that will occur most probably after the promos. Click on the image to view and zoom in if the words are too small..
This is my reply to her.
Dear Ke Xin,
We're glad to receive your suggestion.
Yes, as PA crew, we are indeed in charge of both lightings and the sounds.
I believe that your request the other time has been rejected as it was too last minute. We can only provide PA support for events which have been officially requested. This can be done by the teacher-in-charge of the particular event through KM. Also, the request has to be made 3-5 days in advance such that we have adequate time to prepare our crew and the equipment.
As the lightings in LT5 are pretty new to us since they only arrived in March this year, we admit that we might not know everything about the lightings. The technician who was supposed to train us has not yet contacted us. As for letting non-PA members to learn about the lightings and use them, i will need to seek opinions from my CCA as there will be too many implications when this really happens. As the lightings are pretty expensive, we cannot just give anyone access to usage of the lights. I do hope you will understand our issues of concern. However, we will consider your suggestion and decide on what is best for us and the school.
We did notice that the top curtains in LT5 will cast shadows on the wall if lights are shone on them. This may not be part of our job scope, but we will be glad to convey this message to the OM on behalf of the school and see if he can do anything about it. Thank You for being so understanding. We really appreciate your suggestions.
Shi Hui
06S19 how?
pa oiii! (: 6:52 PM;
posted by njc public address (: (: